About Us
A farmer centric comprehensive digital platform serving dairy & livestock farming domain. It is a trust-based ecosystem that provides one stop solution to the diary and livestock farmers by engaging other stakeholders. We are team of passionate technologists, subject matter experts, designers, digital promoters, branding & marketing professionals along with field officers, etc.

What we offer
Dairy platform to organise livestock farming ecosystem
Pashu Gyan
Know about your cattle in detail
This module is dedicated to the Knowledge and Courses to upgrade the knowledge of the farmers on daily basis.
It intends to offer right set of information that will be practically useful to the farmers on field.
They will be well informed of the information in the domain and hence do things in way advance.

Our Happy Clients
98 K+
6 K+
Animal Regestration
Animal Sold
Partnered Companies
Why our user like Dhenoo